Sunday 8 January 2017

ApacheGeode/GemFire Real-time and Historical Metrics with Grafana-Visualize and Analyse

Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing.

Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures.

Geode pools memory (along with CPU, network and optionally local disk) across multiple processes to manage application objects and behavior. It uses dynamic replication and data partitioning techniques for high availability, improved performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. Geode is both a distributed data container and an in-memory data management system providing reliable asynchronous event notifications and guaranteed message delivery.

Following video illustrates the Geode real-time metrics to Grafana approach. It shows how to deploy and start the jmx-to-grafana and how to build Grafana dashboards using the Geode JMX metrics feed.

Geode Dashboard provides an unified technical stack for analysing both real-time (e.g JMX metrics) and historical (archive files) Geode distributed-system statistics.

Apache Geode implements federated JMX architecture to manage and monitor all members of the distributed system. The jmx-to-grafana spring-boot tool consumes selected Geode MBean metrics and streams them into a InfluxDB time-series database. Grafana uses the time-series to build comprehensive dashboards to monitor and analyze the distributed system.



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